Chat stuffs idc

A new project is in development! I'm currently searching for the people who previously contributed to the last project that was titled 'Seven Nights Inside Barraca's", as well as some new people that would like to contribute to the new project.

I did it!


Pac-Man ★Encore★ Plus V2!

HOLD ON?!!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!

R.I.P Funimation.

knuckles is now 30 let's fucking goooooo. anyways, new project!


Purple Guy rapping (for @TheHasanGamer )

Pac-Man ☆Encore☆ Plus V2 will be set on February 16th, 2024! Featuring a brand new maze!

updated the website.

it's inside of my bio


Forgot to mention this in the last post, but this show I made is currently 5 years old! I'm currently updating my website so it can have every episode for season 1. (Yes, I archive those files before animatron deleted my first account, rip btw.)

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